Infrastructure: Utilities

Anytime you construct a new building or addition, or make changes to or create new property lines, you need to know the location of your utilities to determine if your project will have an effect on your water, sewer, or stormwater systems.

Property boundaries, soils, topography, nearby buildings, trees, and the proximity to public services can affect the placement of utilities, and the layout of your entire project. For successful project planning, design, and installation, it is essential to provide details about utility locations for your property. If you are proposing new development, you need to confirm that utility services are available and feasible for your project, and show all proposed utility locations on your plans.

If your property is already developed, you need to locate all existing utilities, provide a plan to show any proposed changes, and ensure your project will not create conflicts or  compromise the use of the existing facilities. For instance, if you are constructing an addition, the location of the roof drains may need to be modified to ensure proper drainage for the structure. Or, if you are changing the location of a property boundary, existing sewer or water lines may need to be rerouted to fi t on the new lot. Or you may need to decommission a drywell serving the existing building and install a new drywell on the newly configured lot.

A utility plan must show the location of underground utilities, including water, sanitary, and stormwater facilities, as well as fuel tanks and wells.

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KPROX is a small Civil Engineering consulting firm dedicated to providing high quality professional services in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area. If you need help with your project, please contact us via phone: (650) 549-4249 or via email and we will be glad to assist you.