Construction Support
Professional Engineers and Architects typically offer to provide Construction Support (or Construction Administration Services). If such services are accepted and rendered by the consultant, both the owner and the consultant can take advantage of many potential benefits, which include better control of the construction schedule, better integration between design and construction, and a day-to-day representation by the consultant on behalf of the owner. Result from construction administration services will more thank likely translate into savings in project costs for the owner, and increased profitability for the design consultant.
Construction Support Services can be integrated into both the design and construction phases of a project or provided during construction only. Construction managers give advice on the time and cost consequences of design and construction decisions, scheduling, and cost control; coordinate contract negotiations and awards; make timely purchases of critical materials and long-lead-time items; and coordinate construction activities.
"Clients are showing an increased interest in Construction Support Services because this delivery method can save them time and money, increase project quality, and, perhaps most importantly, offer single-point accountability. For them, the primary objective of designer-led construction management is maximization of the owner’s return on capital investment." The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice.
Many construction decisions may be delegated to the construction manager, and the construction manager must actively participate in preparing plans and specifications. Nonetheless, best results are achieved when the design consultant remains in control of the scopeand quality of a project.
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KPROX is a small Civil Engineering consulting firm dedicated to providing high quality professional services in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area. If you need help with your project, please contact us via phone: (650) 549-4249 or via email and we will be glad to assist you.